Motorboating in 3..2..1..

Commence motorboating in 3..2..1..

Posted in Boobs, Cleavage

Ikea should consider producing a bed like this.

Ikea should consider producing a bed like this.

Posted in Boobs, Cleavage, Kittens

I like to walk on your boobs as you sleep.

Posted in Cartoon, Misc.

sand·wich /ˈsanˌ(d)wiCH/ -

sand·wich  [ˈsanˌ(d)wiCH-“]


1.  Something resembling or suggesting a sandwich, as something nestled in round, plump layers: a kitty sandwich.
1. Insert or squeeze (someone or something – e.g. kitty) between two other people or things (bewbs)
Posted in Boobs, Cleavage, Kittens

They're so tiny!  Obviously I'm refering to the kittens...

They're so tiny! Obviously I'm referring to the kittens...

Posted in Boobs, Cleavage, Kittens

Posted in Boobs, Cleavage, Video

Damn that pillow looks comfortable.

Damn that pillow looks comfortable.

Posted in Boobs, Cleavage, Kittens

Rock-a-bye kitty, on the boob-tops...

Rock-a-bye kitty, on the boob-tops...

Posted in Boobs, Cleavage, Kittens

What the hell you talkin' 'bout breast reduction?

What the hell you talkin' 'bout breast reduction?

Posted in Boobs, Bras, Cleavage

Deeze iz mine.  K?

Deeze iz mine. K?

Posted in Boobs, Cleavage